


Herbsfox Chadila (Phool) – Kalpasi – Charila – Chareela – Stone (Flower) Spice – Patthar Phool
– Dagad Phool – Shaileya- Shaileyam – Shila Pushpa – Rock Moss – Parmelia Perlata


The English name of Babchi is Psoralea Corylifolia and the Sanskrit name is Bakuchi. Bakuchi is an Ayurvedic herb, Bakuchi is beneficial in skin disorders because it eliminates all toxins from the skin and revitalizes it.


It is used in tincture, to heal alopecia. It heals eczema, vitiligo, psoriasis in both oil and tincture form. Bakuchi can be used to stop bleeding and treating wounds.

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  1. Bakuchi / Babchi is an important herb that is used for its medicinal properties. The seeds of Bakuchi are kidney shaped, having a bitter taste and a very unpleasant odour.
  2. Bakuchi controls vitiligo spot because it helps in shrinking the white patches, the darker area slowly covers all white skin area, which leads to visible skin changes due to its Kusthaghna and Rasayana properties.
  3. Bakuchi helps to treat various skin problem like itching red papules, itching eruptions, eczema, ringworm, rough and discoloured dermatosis, dermatosis with fissures due to its Raktashodaka (Blood Purifier) properties.
  4. Bakuchi helps to improve digestion due to its Ushna (hot) potency which promotes digestive fire and digest food quickly.
  5. Bakuchi treats worm infestation due to its Krimighna (anti worms) property.
  6. Bakuchi has the property of balancing Kapha as well as has Ushna Virya (hot in Potency) so it can help control asthma, cough and bronchitis.

P.S. – It is strongly recommended to consult a doctor first before taking any dosage.